AV Weather Pty Ltd
A.V.Weather provides accurate long range forecasting, specifically tailored for the agricultural community of Australia.
I offer 5 months outlooks, 4 week forecast and daily forecast for your exact location.
The subscription service is a month by month basis, and I can tailor the packages to suit anyone’s individual needs
I have been forecasting weather since 1988, have forecasted as a non for profit origination since 2006, and started forecasting as a business professionally at the start of they year.
I now have a widespread client database across the entire country, as farmers strive to get the early mail on the following years growing seasons.
I also update my clients daily through my website, so they wont miss anything that develops, and are always kept one step ahead which is vital for planning, and making the best decisions for your business.
My contact details are :
0412 735 441